Community Health Outreach, Education and Training, Youth Empowerment

Free Medical Camp Brings Hope to Flood-Affected Residents of Kobala Village

In a remarkable demonstration of community solidarity and healthcare outreach, Green Health Focus (GHF) partnered with Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) Eldoret, the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU), the Medical Students Association of Moi University, and Fountains of Christ to conduct a free medical camp in Kobala village, Homa-Bay county. This initiative specifically targeted residents displaced by the recent floods, offering much-needed medical care and support.

Addressing Urgent Health Needs

The free medical camp, held in the heart of Kobala village, provided a lifeline to those affected by the floods. With homes and livelihoods destroyed, access to healthcare had become a critical issue for many residents. The collaborative effort aimed to bridge this gap, ensuring that the displaced population received timely and comprehensive medical attention.

Extensive Healthcare Services

During the camp, the medical needs of 1,314 clients were addressed, encompassing a wide range of healthcare services:

  • General Consultations: Doctors and medical students conducted thorough examinations, diagnosing and treating a variety of ailments, from common colds to chronic conditions.
  • Specialized Care: Specialists from MTRH Eldoret provided expert consultations in areas such as pediatrics, gynecology, and internal medicine.
  • Pharmaceutical Services: KMPDU ensured that patients received the necessary medications, offering prescriptions and on-site dispensing of drugs.
  • Health Education: Volunteers from the Medical Students Association of Moi University conducted health education sessions, teaching residents about disease prevention, hygiene, and nutrition.
  • Psychosocial Support: Recognizing the emotional toll of displacement, the Fountains of Christ team provided counseling and support services to help individuals cope with trauma and stress.

A Community United

The success of the medical camp was a testament to the power of collaboration. Each partner brought unique strengths to the initiative, creating a comprehensive support system for the affected residents. GHF’s logistical expertise, MTRH Eldoret’s medical proficiency, KMPDU’s professional oversight, the enthusiasm and energy of the medical students, and the compassionate support from Fountains of Christ all combined to create a holistic care environment.

Impact and Future Plans

The medical camp not only addressed immediate health concerns but also laid the groundwork for ongoing support and resilience-building in Kobala village. The partnership aims to conduct follow-up visits and establish a more permanent healthcare presence in the area to ensure sustained well-being for the community.

In the aftermath of the camp, many residents expressed their gratitude, highlighting how the initiative had brought hope and relief during a challenging time. The collaborative effort of GHF and its partners underscores the importance of community-driven healthcare solutions, especially in times of crisis.


The free medical camp in Kobala village exemplifies how targeted healthcare interventions can significantly impact communities in distress. By addressing the medical needs of over a thousand displaced individuals, Green Health Focus and its partners have not only alleviated immediate suffering but also fostered a sense of hope and resilience. This initiative serves as a model for future community health programs, demonstrating that through partnership and collaboration, even the most vulnerable populations can receive the care and support they need.

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